Download this awesome Lockscreen for your Android Phone with MIUI

Imagine a Lockscreen you would love to see on your Android Smartphone. Your all imagination will come true with the latest MIUI ROM (can be download her), one of the most popular and polished  Android aftermarket firmware you will ever come across, in the Android ecosystem. With the most advanced theming engine MIUI allows to customize your Android Phone just the way you want. Below is a perfect example for an awesome Lockscreen for Android phone running on MIUI ROM with Google flavour on it created by h_zee13 at MIUI forum called colors (Download Here).
Colors Lockscreen for your Android Phone with MIUI  Colors Lockscreen for your Android Phone with MIUI
The popularity of the MIUI ROM was noticed by a Chinese handset manufacturer, Xiaomi and last week they announced an Android Smartphone called Xiaomi Phone / Mi-One which run on MIUI ROM. Watch below a short video of MIUI Lockscreens and see what Android community can bring for us.
