Users can browse the entire Google Apps directory for their domain from within Contacts without having to search. This is especially useful when a user doesn’t know the exact name or spelling of the person they’re looking for or wants to see a complete list of contacts for their domain in alphabetical order. Just click “Directory” in the left sidebar from within Contacts in Gmail to get started.
Release track:
Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education
How to access what's new:
- To enable / disable the ability to browse the Google Apps directory, enable / disable Contact Sharing: Control Panel -> Settings -> Contacts -> Enable / Disable contact sharing.
- To hide specific users (or resources) from being visible to other users from within Contacts: Control Panel -> Organization and Users -> User information -> Contact Sharing checkbox.
- To set the Google Apps directory to be alphabetized by first or last name: Control Panel ->Settings -> Email -> Name format.
- Reload Gmail
- Go to "Contacts"
- In the left sidebar, click "Directory", above "New Group..." at the bottom.
- Browse by using either the next/prev arrow buttons or open the drop down to the left of the next/prev arrow buttons to jump directly to a specific alphabetical range.
For more information:
*Rapid Release track: Domains with ‘Rapid release’ checkbox enabled in the administrator control panel. Learn more
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Browse the Google Apps directory from within Gmail Contacts
Google Apps
Google Apps for Business
Google Apps for Education
Google Apps for Government