The new look is now the permanent interface for Google Docs, Docslist, Spreadsheets and Sites

The new look is now the permanent interface for Google Docs, Docslist, Spreadsheets and Sites.

Major changes to your Documents List include -
- The Upload button is now an icon rather than a text button. It shows an up-arrow coming out of a hard drive.
- To access the Narrow by options, click the down arrow in the search box at the top of your window.
- To create a doc from a template, click the Create button, and select From template....

Major changes to Docs, Spreadsheets, and Sites include -
- Click the Share button to share your item with other people or modify the sharing settings. Options such as Publish to a web page and Email collaborators have moved to the File menu.
- The Share button will now show the visibility state of your doc when you mouse over it.
- Since Google Docs continuously saves your work, the Save button has been removed. The last updated time now shows near the menu bar.
- There's now a button that lets you navigate back to your Documents List, in place of the Google Docs logo. Mouse over the doc name, and click the left arrow icon to get back to your Documents List.

Release track:

Editions included:
Google Apps, Google Apps for Business, Government and Education

Languages included:
All languages supported by Google Docs

How to access what's new:
-While Google Docs automatically saves your work, you can revert back to a previous version by selecting File, See revision history, and then selecting ‘Restore this revision’ after choosing your preferred version.

For more information:

*Scheduled Release track: Domains with ‘Scheduled Release’ option enabled in the administrator control panel. Learn more

New look on the way for Gmail, Calendar, Docs and Sites! Find out more at
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